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A systems view of biological health


This is an online book outlining one tried and tested way to work with the body as an intelligent, self-optimising living organism. Your body is a biological entity that actively wants to communicate with the cognitive self - but can only do this on its (i.e. the body's) terms.

This approach provides a gentle, humane, simple, respectful and highly effective means to directly address low to medium level trauma, along with dissociation. It can also help to neutralise central sensitisation. In doing this it can also potentially help all of the various and many somatisations (issues with physical health) [1] that arise as a result of overwhelm and dissociation.

This book is for everyone, because (as will be described) overwhelm and consequent (often low level, invisible) dissociation are universal and endemic in Western cultures.

A good quality relationship with the body is also a prerequisite for a good quality relationship with the environment - the body outside ourselves, the extension of our body (just as our bodies are extensions and living parts of the biosphere). [2]

Book - A systems approach to working with the body-mind
Workshops - Live and online workshop program to provide support and further practical training for both general public and therapists. If you want to be in the mailing list, please provide your details (so I am GDPR compliant) via the contact page
About... - Who I am, and links to my clinical practice
Resources - links etc
Copyright statement
Copyright statement - details of what is contained here and how you can use it

References & Notes

1  Robert Scaer (2014) The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation, and Disease. Publ. Routledge; 3rd edition ISBN-13: 978-0415641524

2  see (e.g.) Stephen Harrod Buhner (2004) The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature. Publ. Bear & Company ISBN-13: 978-1591430353

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