
Andrew Cook has worked as a mining engineer, as a hydrogeologist investigating wetland nature reserves, and for the past 25 years as a Craniosacral Therapist.​ 

After practicing bodywork for some time I realised that most people coming with physical issues such as pain were actually coming with embodiment issues, and the pain was a side-effect. A lack of embodiment is actually (in broad terms) a manifestation of dissociation. As I looked into this more and more I realised that our whole society is suffering from a whole host of different kinds of trauma - including generational trauma from two world wars - that cause dissociation. The dissociation is an absence that becomes normalised and therefore invisible unless it is very severe."

I have spent the past 20 years learning how to work with dissociation in my clinical practice - not as a psychologist, but as a body-worker, dealing more with with physical tissue and physical movement. It turns out that trauma is largely a physiological issue because it is an activation of quite primitive non-cognitive survival responses that reside in the hindbrain - the part of your nervous sysem that runs your physiology and homeostasis, keeps your heart rate and blood pressure breath synchronised). So a physical ("somatic") approach is actually quite a useful frame of reference. Over that time I put together a set of simple skills that help people to reverse diossociation and trauma, and come back more to themselves. This isn't the only effective approach available, but its relative simplicity and the universal rules that it is based on make it particularly useful. Once you understand and abide by the rules that govern your body, the rest becomes relatively easy.

You can find out more about my Craniosacral work at:  www.body-mind.co.uk

I am also affiliated with a small group of people whose work has a similar and compatible direction. 
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