I have practiced Craniosacral Therapy (CST) for over 30 years, and was interested in complementary therapies another 10 years before that. Previously I worked as a mining engineer in the South Yorkshire coalfield I then took an MSc in Hydrogeology, was a researcher for three years at the British Geological Survey, and then worked on rural water supply schemes around the Kalahari (Botswana and Namibia), in the Sudan and in the Wahiba desert of Oman. I then spent a few years with a foot in both worlds, practicing CST and also carrying out water balance surveys on British wetlands.
I always considered that the initial experience in hydrogeology (looking at the hidden part of the hydrologic cycle - rainfall percolating into the ground, flowing deep through the Earth and then re-emerging as springs) was parallel to CST - one aspect of which involves an interest in the movement of fluids and "tides" through the body. That sense of the living Earth and the human body being parallel, archetypally equivalent and deeply connected worlds has continued and strengthened - as you will find if you read any of the book content.
About 10 years into my CST practice I realised that most patients coming with physical pain and dysfunction were primarily suffering from a qualitative loss of embodiment - which translates into a degree of dissociation. Serendipity placed the epicentre of activity for the UK Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (UKSSTD - a branch of the ESTD) in my home town of Norwich, and so I ended up researching dissociation as a personal project. That project has been ongoing for over 20 years now.
After about another five years I realised that something was wrong, because all my experience in the practice of CST, of my spiritual life and my lifelong interest in the natural living world - all of these said to me that Health (and not illness) is fundamental. So I started to ask myself how dissociation could be an expression of Health - particularly the fragmentation that comes with high-end dissociation. I found that not only are both dissociation and fragmentations expressions of health, but that this question unlocked a lot of very fruitful avenues of inquiry.
I was particularly qualified to look at dissociation because I was particularly badly affected by it for the first 30 or 40 years of my life, experiencing almost all kinds of dissociation. I personally found that the answer to dissociation was to discover how to be more and more resilient. Which is what I am describing here - not how to cure dissociation, but to learn how to "grow" more Health. As the Health grows, the dissociation shrinks and disappears and is replaced by extremely valuable relationships with the soma/body and the extended living world.
You can find out about my clinical practice in Norwich (UK) at
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